
Cancer Registration: Principles and Methods

IARC Scientific Publication No. 95

Edited by Jensen OM, Parkin DM, MacLennan R, Muir CS, Skeet RG






Data obtained by population-based cancer registries have a pivotal role in cancer control. This volume, which contains 15 authored chapters and four useful appendices, remains a standard reference for those planning to establish new cancer registries and those keen to adopt recognized methodologies. Information is given on the techniques required to collect, store, analyse and interpret data.
Cover Page



Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. History of cancer registration

Chapter 3. Purposes and uses of cancer registration

Chapter 4. Planning a cancer registry

Chapter 5. Data sources and reporting

Chapter 6. Items of patient information which may be collected by registries

Chapter 7. Classification and coding of neoplasms

Chapter 8. Manual and computerized cancer registries

Chapter 9. Quality and quality control

Chapter 10. Reporting of results

Chapter 11. Statistical methods for registries

Chapter 12. Analysis of survival

Chapter 13. The hospital-based cancer registry

Chapter 14. Cancer registration in developing countries

Chapter 15. Cancer registration: legal aspects and confidentiality

Appendix 1.  United Nations Standard Country Codes

Appendix 2.  Editing for consistency of data items

Appendix 3. 

   3A - The Danish Cancer Registry, a self-reporting national cancer registration system with elements of active data collection

   3B - The Thames Cancer Registry

   3C - Cancer registration in Ontario

   3D - The Department of Health-Rizal Cancer Registry

Appendix 4. CANREG: Cancer registration software for microcomputers

